Select Cryptocurrency Mixer:

Bitcoin Mixer
Bitcoin Mixer CoinJoin protocol
Bitcoin Mixer XMR (Monero) bridge
Ethereum Mixer XMR (Monero) bridge
Bitcoin Mixer
Bitcoin Mixer CoinJoin protocol
Bitcoin Mixer
Bitcoin Mixer CoinJoin protocol
Bitcoin Mixer XMR (Monero) bridge
Ethereum Mixer XMR (Monero) bridge
Bitcoin Mixer
Bitcoin Mixer CoinJoin protocol
Bitcoin Mixer XMR (Monero) bridge
Ethereum Mixer XMR (Monero) bridge

Bitcoin Mixer Scoring Tumbler

Ensure your Bitcoin anonymity and obtain clean coins with Tengri Crypto BTC mixer/tumbler. Tengri uses a Scoring algorithm to only mix with pure funds from cryptocurrency exchanges. Real privacy through Anonymization technology. Is not required to use other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin can be fully anonymous.

BTC Mixer mode:

Specify forward-to addresses (at least one):

⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Duplicated address

 Agree to our Terms of Service.

Enter the amount, the destination address to transfer this amount to, and the change address for any funds left over after anonymization

⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Duplicated address

 Agree to our Terms of Service.

Time of return0 › 6 hours Max fee4 › 5% Deposit0.003 to 50 BTC

Your Bitcoins will be returned in different parts to addresses specified above.
Our system don't store logs or any information used in transactions.

Telegram BotTengri Telegram Bot:

Top level anonymity with anti-tracking technology

Tengri Crypto is a Bitcoin Mixer / BTC Tumbler. Our transfer algorithm selects independent investors and trading platforms, and breaks down your funds in a manner that completely removes a link between input and output transactions. Once the mixing is done and transaction confirmed, the data on processed transactions is deleted. For each mixing request, we issue a digitally signed letter of guarantee with a PGP signature, which confirms our obligations to the client.

Support Bech32 Addresses P2WPKH or P2WSH


Max fee

4 › 5% max.

Support Base58 Addresses P2PKH or P2SH


Time of return

0 › 6 Hours max.

Support Addresses P2TR - Taproot


Letter of guarantee


Resistance to taint analysis


Support 24x7


Resistance to cluster analysis


Zero Logs

No Logs

Resistance to volume analysis



No Javascript

VPN Friendly


Tor Mirror


Support Bech32 Addresses P2WPKH or P2WSH


Support Base58 Addresses P2PKH or P2SH


Support Addresses P2TR - Taproot


Resistance to taint analysis


Resistance to cluster analysis


Resistance to volume analysis


VPN Friendly


Max fee

4 › 5% max.

Time of return

0 › 6 Hours max.

Letter of guarantee


Support 24x7


Zero Logs

No Logs



Tor Mirror


Contact our 24x7 support team in case of disputes or complaints:  [email protected]  or › ANN

Zero Logs › No Registration › No JS › Tor Support

Zero logs policy, we remove all data after order expiration. Tengri Crypto BTC mixer is completely anonymous and confidential. We don't store logs or attribute ID to clients. No registration required. For more privacy we recommend using the fully compatible TOR onion v3 version. All versions works without javascript (not JS).

Insert Coin - Bitcoin Mixer

Maximize privacy with the TOR version:  hqhh3c6hy3qpjjvhwqnvv7yyse6rcj36ytmlywptf4srxebfkbuqyyqd.onion

FAQ › Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Tengri Crypto Bitcoin Mixer?

Tengri Crypto is a Bitcoin Mixer / BTC Tumbler with a main purpose of providing security and anonymity to its users. Our transfer algorithm selects independent investors and trading platforms, and breaks down your funds in a manner that completely removes a link between input and output transactions. Tengricrypto is able to terminate the connection between your old and new Bitcoin addresses and provide a full anonymity and protection from cybercriminals, who track and monitor your cryptocurrency every day.

2. How tengri mixer (anti-tracking technology) works?

The platform runs a scoring procedure for each incoming coin so to check its reliability and purchase it for its reserves. The service liaises with crypto exchanges and controls the money inflow around the clock, if the algorithm detects a shortfall it blasts notification messages to investors and quickly tops up the reserves. Coins with dark history are never let in. Money that has passed the scoring goes to transit (intermediary) wallets (dedicated wallet for each investor) and is used to make clients transactions untraceable. The algorithm carries out multi-layered cleansing that achieves a clean track record for your coins. The investors are independent traders with accounts at crypto exchanges who sell their output transactions to us.

3. Is this system safe to use?

All our users are protected against accidental errors or deliberate actions by means of the guaranteed letters. For each mixing request, we issue a digitally signed letter of guarantee with a PGP signature, which confirms our obligations to the client.

4. What are letters of guarantee?

By providing you with a Bitcoin address to send your coins to for mixing, we also provide you with a digitally signed confirmation that that address has been generated by our server for one specific use only. You will always be provided with this letter signed with PGP, which can be verified using the public key.

5. Is there some kind of record stored in your system?

No record is stored on our servers, all the information necessary to process transactions is eliminated as soon as the work is finished, or when the useful life of the generated address expires. The guaranteed letter is the only proof of our service.

6. What is the cost of the BTC mixer service?

The cost and network fee for the bitcoin mixer service is from 4 to 5% max, of the amount sent. In return you receive different bitcoins without dark history.

7. What is the duration of the Bitcoin mixing process?

The process of the Bitcoin mixing takes around 6 to 8 hours. It begins when the system identifies the initial confirmation of the incoming transaction sent by the user to the designated address. The resulting Bitcoin is then sent back in randomized portions and timings, reducing tracking risks.

8. How many confirmations are required?

Only 1 confirmation is enough to accept a transfer.

9. What is the minimum and maximum number of coins i can mix?

At least 0.003 BTC is required for a single bitcoin order on any mode. The maximum limit for a single bitcoin order is 50 BTC, due to the ease of tracking large volume transactions. The optimal amount is 5 BTC, as the system allows multiple transfers per order and the creation of multiple mixing requests. The greater the division of transfers, the higher the level of anonymity and difficulty to track.

10. Can i send less quantity than required?

At this time we do not recommend or accept making a transfer below the minimum limit (0.003 BTC), because the network fee may be higher than the amount sent. You can contact support if you make a mistake or have questions.

11. The browser has been closed before seeing the confirmation of my transfer.

You should not worry, the bitcoin blockchain system is automatic, it is possible to monitor your transaction in a Bitcoin block explorer, and follow the status of your transaction on any BTC block explorer once our system have returned your coins to the address specified.

12. How long are the application addresses valid?

Addresses are valid for 7 days after their creation. This period is sufficient to solve problems arising from the network or by the sender, such as delays or transfers stuck in mempool, thus guaranteeing the protection of our clients's assets.

13. Precise payment mode

If you select the precise payment mode, you will be able to send a precise amount of Bitcoins to different wallets.

14. Clean code (No-JS)

Tengri works with pure CSS and without Javascript. You can use the TOR network mirror with Javascript completely disabled. Download TOR browser.

* Minimum transaction limit is 0.003 Bitcoins. The maximum limit for a single bitcoin order is 50 BTC. Our system don't store logs or any information used in transactions. Once the order is deleted, we won’t have any other data related to your order.

Telegram BotTelegram Bot:
BitcointalkAltcoinstalks: › ANN

Tengri crypto PGP fingerprint:

B8A5 CFCA F63F F2D8 384A 6B12 D3B2 8095 6F0E 7CAF

Public key to verify the letters of guarantee provided by the system.

Contact our 24x7 support team in case of disputes or complaints:  [email protected]  or  [email protected]